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Posted by on in How To
Not so long ago organisations had one of two options for video conferencing with other offices, clients or suppliers - using dedicated video conferencing equipment or using instant messaging applications running on a PC.

Both methods had their advantages and disadvantages - video conferencing equipment was expensive and required a fair amount of space but allowed for good quality calls and supported features like group video calls; while instant messaging was cheap (only needing an Internet connection and webcam) but had poor quality and didn't have features like group video calls.

Today, instant messaging applications like Skype provide advanced features like group calls and provide good video and voice quality. It's hard to now suggest to a SME to spend $5,000 on a dedicated video conferencing system when you can use Skype on a TV for around $1,200.

Any SME needing a video conferencing system can contact us to discuss the best solution for them.

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