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How to improve your website's rank in Google

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Every business wants their website towards the top of the search results in Google and other search engines. Being towards the top of the search results allows for your business to be easy to find by potential clients. You may have heard of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), a process which makes web content more accessible for search engines and searchers.

Many SEO companies will tell you they can get you the #1 position on Google by going with them. These companies are selling false hope as there are no guarantees about where your site will appear in the search rankings. SEO is a science and an art and all you can do is improve your search ranking for your chosen keywords by having a site which is easily indexed by the three major search engines (Google, Bing and Yahoo).

You can improve your search ranking by using keywords that people would search for when looking for a business like yours in your content. Your content should be relevant, unique and concise. Just as your potential customers don't want to see pages of keywords when they click a search result, neither do the search engines - they are looking for content to show searchers.

The way your website is created is also important. You should make sure you are using proper website coding to make the job of search engine crawling easier. You want the search engine to understand each and every page. You should have a relevant title and description for each page. Avoid using technologies such as Flash and AJAX to present data as these are next to impossible for search engines to crawl.

Regularly updating your website can also improve its search ranking. This can be as simple as putting announcements of new products and services on your site or having a blog where you can discuss aspects of your business or industry. Any content created should be relevant, unique and concise.

Finally, share your website with other relevant websites. Share it on online communities, forums and business listings. Talk about it (and link to it) on social media. One-way links enhance your search rankings.

If you would like help with optimising your website or with any aspect of online marketing, Carter Tech would love to help!

Tagged in: Online Marketing SEO

Nathan is Carter Tech's Managing Director and has been involved in the Information Technology industry for over ten years and has been self-employed for the last five. Nathan has a wealth of experience in IT, holding a Bachelor of Information Technology degree and having experience in developing systems and applications for the non-profit, local government, agricultural, technology and education sectors.


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Guest Friday, 14 February 2025